PowerShell Tools and Books That I Use (Revisited)

A friend of mine found this blog yesterday and commented on “PowerShellToolsandBooksThatIUse“. I thought that it would be good to update the list since it’s almost 2 years old.  The changes are mostly incremental: version changes, a few new items, a few I don’t use much anymore.

Without further ado, here we go (now with linky-goodness!):

Tools I Use (note…these are all free!):


In addition to these, there are any number of blogs (I really need to update mylist) that I subscribe to in google reader. Also, there’s a very active community on StackOverflow that will usually be able to provide direction if you’re not sure what’s going on.

As I said the last time, there are lots of other tools and books, but these are the ones I keep coming back to.

Let me know if you think I missed something super-important.


A friend of mine found this blog yesterday and commented on “PowerShellToolsandBooksThatIUse“. I thought that it would be good to update the list since it’s almost 2 years old.  The changes are mostly incremental: version changes, a few new items, a few I don’t use much anymore.

Without further ado, here we go (now with linky-goodness!):

Tools I Use (note…these are all free!):

      PowerShell ISE (I know it’s part of the install, but I use it a lot!)

      PowerGUIScriptEditor (I still haven’t gotten the hang of PowerGUI itself)

      PowershellCommunityExtensions 2.0 (PSCX)

      SQLPowerShellExtensions 2.3 (SQLPSX)

      PrimalFormsCommunityEdition (free registration required) Download under “Free Tools/32-bit”


      PowerShellInAction,2ndEdition by Bruce Payette (just released yesterday, 5/18!)

      ProfessionalWindowsPowerShellProgramming: Snapins, Cmdlets, HostsandProviders by Arul Kumaravel et. al. (PowerShell 1.0, but still has good info about building hosts)

      MasteringPowerShell by Dr. Tobias Weltner

      PowerShellinPractice, by Richard Siddaway

In addition to these, there are any number of blogs (I really need to update mylist) that I subscribe to in google reader. Also, there’s a very active community on StackOverflow that will usually be able to provide direction if you’re not sure what’s going on.

As I said the last time, there are lots of other tools and books, but these are the ones I keep coming back to.

Let me know if you think I missed something super-important.
